Barbie Animal Rescue Center Playset

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This complete Barbie Animal Rescue Center Playset is a lot of fun to play with! It's also great for encouraging kids to love and care for animals.

The set includes the following:
- Barbie Doll dressed in a collared shirt, denim shorts and boots
- Eight adorable animal patients to care for (fox, deer, 2 squirrels, 2 bunnies, 2 owls)
- Accessories including a stethoscope, 2 bottles and a feeding bowl
- A nature-setting, 2-level care station, which is connected to a tree by a rope bridge that works with the animal-carrying basket. The tree features lots of places for the smaller animals to rest, like the nest atop the leaves, trunk cubby holes, and a platform among the branches. The care station matches the tree at 2-stories tall, and has a lot of fun elements like a thatch roof with the Barbie logo on top, cool colours and decals throughout and an animal bed below

Ages: 3 Years and up